Miroir Magazine – Interview with the Artist Giulia Danese
- posted in: PRESS
In my series, besides create the concept, i want personally design and craft every costumes, scenography or also some props and this is a process that can take months of preparation.
For “The Upcoming End of Byzantium” my last project, in particular, it took about three months of full-time work only for preparation.
My idea for this series, originally, was a little different. The message and the sensations from which I started were similar, but initially I had imagined it in a setting with a more oriental aesthetic.
“In my productions I wish there were more real elements possible, rather than added in post-production, to bring the observer back to the materiality of the scene, I decided to use sand and real clay”
For this reason, starting to look for the model, I decided to contact Giulia. I had seen her photos and I had fallen in love with her long raven hair, which in many shots made her look like an oriental beauty, but talking to her, unfortunately, it turns out that she had just cut them… I see her photo with her new look and… no problem, a new idea immediately springs to my mind!…
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Miroir Magazine